十七代永樂善五郎 黄交趾彫浜辺 鉢十七代永樂善五郎 紫交趾宝珠宝尽水指十七代永樂善五郎 而妙斎御好 青交趾松ノ絵 菓子皿十七代永樂善五郎 波涛二松絵(松寿)茶碗十七代永楽善五郎 金砂子春草ノ絵(寿春)茶碗十七代永樂善五郎 永楽善五郎 桜の絵 茶碗十七代永樂善五郎 交趾亀香合・鶴置物十七代永樂善五郎 紫交趾杵 花入十七代永樂善五郎 富士梅 香合


永樂 而全

Eiraku Jizen

永樂 而全


Mitsui Memorial Museum etc.



Zengoro Eiraku is 17th master of one of ten craftsman families to create special tea utensils for Rikyu families(Omotesenke, Urasenke and Musyanokoujisenke) and disciples.

He receives a high reputation for adding modern touch on the Eiraku Family's traditional technique and the renaissance of the old technique called `kakekiri'.

He elevated what the family has inherited.