Watanabe Yasumasa
渡邊 恭成
1962年 群馬県前橋市生まれ
1990年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科彫金専攻修了
2007年 ドイツG8記念独日協会主催 ロストック美術館日本人選抜作家展グランプリ受賞
2008年以降毎年 ドイツメケルンボルグ州独日協会IITからインターナショナル選抜作家招待制作・発表
born in Maebashi city of Gunma prefecture 1962
metal engraving department of Tokyo University of the Arts' graduate school(1990)
Every year after 2008, Watanabe has created pieces for the selected and invited international artists' execution organized by Germany-Japan association HT of Mecklenburg state in Germany.
He now lives in Saitama now.
grand prize of the selected Japanese artists exhibition of Rostock Museum hosted by Germany G8 Memorial Germany-Japan association(2007).
Artist's comment
Enfolding the large scale of earth vibration, `Cosmic Space' & `Genesis' are my main themes. After all, I place `encounter' to my works just as I could encounter mine.
Gallery's comment
Berlin is one of the central spots for metal works and Watanabe has been welcomed over there. The most dedicated collector, who is the descendant of Professor Roentgen , once said “His piece is like the earth itself". His distinguished technique to draw out multiple colors from metals only with flames gains applause from worlds' curators.