「Paris」油彩10F「シテ cite」油彩45×90cm「AcademyFrance」油彩F10号「SAKURA」オイルパステル 15号大「モンサンミッシェル」油彩30×60cm「エッフェル塔」油彩F25号「パリ Paris -モノクローム-」オイルオンペーパー 15号サイズ「コンポジション」油彩S12号「サクレクール」油彩F15号



Yoshioka Koji

Yoshioka was born in Osaka 1943.He is the full member of salon d'automne and was awarded Salon Artist Francais.

He had lived in Paris and been fascinated by characteristic colors of Aegean sea. He quested the depth of colors with dynamic touch. Yoshioka's painting is something you should experience with full senses.