
7/3と7/4の11:00~ Zoomを通してライブ配信をします。

7/3 (金)11:00~ ライブペインティング@諏訪神社 配信
7/4 (土)11:00~ 作品解説@ギャラリー桜の木軽井沢 配信


7/3 (金)11:00~ 作品解説@ギャラリー桜の木軽井沢店 配信
7/4 (土)11:00~ ライブペインティング@諏訪神社 配信

The live painting performance will be organized on ZOOM, and live stream will be available.

The live painting performance will be organized on ZOOM, and live stream will be available on Gallery Sakuranoki’s Facebook page.
Please join us through the Gallery Sakuranoki official Facebook or “atelier_ryusei” Instagram.

Schedule for ZOOM Online Event

Live painting performance by Ryusei Mizuno @the Suwa Shrine

Date: July 3[Fri.], 2020
Time: 11:00-12:00 (※In case of rain, to be postponed the next day)
Venue: Suwa Shrine

Artist’s Commentary @Gallery Sakuranoki Karuizawa

Date: July 4[Sat.], 2020
Time: 11:00 start
Venue: Gallery Sakuranoki Karuizawa.

In case of rain on July 3[Fri.]

Artist’s Commentary @Gallery Sakuranoki Karuizawa

Date: July 3[Fri.], 2020
Time: 11:00 start
Venue: Gallery Sakuranoki Karuizawa

Live painting performance by Ryusei Mizuno @the Suwa Shrine

Date: July 4[Sat.], 2020
Time: 11:00-12:00
Venue: Suwa Shrine